kunstSpace Atelier
Kein anderes Wesen der Natur ist so erfinderisch wie der Mensch. Dies ist unser Gut. Es soll - muss sogar - genutzt werden! Gerade deshalb gibt es die Kunst. Das ist der Grund der Faszination und genau das braucht unsere Seele - Vicky Jocher 2023
Vicky Jocher
Die Kunst ist mein Lebensstil, meine Lebensaufgabe - damit bin ich offen für jegliche Möglichkeit. Für mich, sowie für Dich.
Nächste Grundworkshops: Frühling 2025
Neuer Kidskreis ab Freitag 17 Jan, 2025 14.00 - 16.30
Online Sessions

We are a small group of ladies who paint, and have done so during most of the time during Covid. I lead the sessions how to paint whatever motives we can think of, and then step by step I guide everyone through it. It is very informal, and we have a bit of a laugh as well. At the same time, everyone learns from these sessions, sometimes we concentrate on evolving the drawing techniques, we look at proportions, then we look at perspective, or complimentary colours. Whatever comes up, what ever someone needs to learn, This can be quite spontaneous and in the moment. There is no need to have any fore-knowledge as each step is completely guided. We have ladies who have not picked up. a paintbrush in 50 years! We have ladies who never in a million years thought that they would ever paint! And we ave ladies who enjoy the company of the time we are painting, and e have ladies who are always looking to learn either a new technique, or just want continue to evolve. It's all in there, and a very enjoyable time it is too.
So far we have explored acrylic painting, and at the moment we are painting with watercolours. I am very happy to advise on whatever materials are necessary if you'd like to join us. We paint on Wednesday mornings, German time zone: 10.30 to 12.30, over Zoom. Click unto the facebook and/or instagram button below and follow the kunstSpace group to see what we get up to and come and join our sessions. It as an international group, and the language is english. A great way to brush up your english too. Interested? Looking forward to having you onboard.